What We Do in an Earth Sky Dance Session


So what do we do? We arrive, warm up, and dance through a cycle of varied music that lasts about one hour and a half. Grounding, expressing, releasing and integrating. It is a practice of being true to our own inner impulses to move, without forcing or holding back. Guidance is offered, but essentially it’s about coming back to your Self. Your own inner direction. Self-inquiry, expressed.

The invitation is to allow yourself to move how you feel. To notice, and to go with what you notice. To be Present to that. To face all aspects of your Self in the Dance, as they arise and fall away…

EARTH SKY DANCE – What To Expect

People often say they’ve heard of Earth Sky Dance, and are interested, but they don’t know what to expect. While mostly it’s about dropping expectation, entering into the process of the moment, the following might be useful clarification, if you are wondering…

What to expect…

What NOT to expect…

  • A warm up of 20-30 minutes- a chance to arrive with body and breath, to move, to stretch…

  • To be guided through it mechanically. There is a natural structure to the process, but it is mostly about finding your own freedom.

  • Music throughout the session- a range of all sorts, carefully chosen to hold the process, and guide your movement.

  • A throwaway party vibe. It’s not intended as an escape. It’s not about getting lost in the group energy.

  • A largely independent movement journey. No steps or set ways. It’s your creative exploration. There may be guidance to come together into group awareness, but there’s no pressure to interact if you don’t want to. It is an internal process, as well as external. Personal and Spiritual.

  • Distraction. It is a process of coming back to our Self. Distraction can pervade our lives, and this dance is all about coming back to your fundamental nature. That’s the purpose of the space- to give you that opportunity. An inner connection to deeper aspects of yourself, expressed in- and informed by- the external process.

  • Guidance here and there based on universal movement principles, which may or may not be helpful, depending on where you are in your dance! Listen if it’s helpful, ignore if it’s not.

  • It to be easy all of the time. Facing up to our own inner process can be scary, difficult, even new. Staying with the process can be hard work, but it’s often liberating when we do so.

  • A chance to practise being as you are- and finding what that is. Giving yourself permission to be this, while respecting the group. A powerfully healing journey through a range of aspects of self (sometimes easy and enjoyable, sometimes more challenging- depending on how you’re feeling!), coming back to a sense of wholeness and completion by the end.

  • Although people who come often find the dance healing and reinvigorating, it may bring things up also. You might not want to go out for a big night out afterwards! It’s a simple process but one that can stir up stuff within us. Don’t expect it to fix your life (…but it might help). It’s certainly a useful tool for exploring it.

Expect the unexpected! Each week is different. No two dances are the same! The process is the same each week, but we experience it differently. The music is different week to week, but the Essence of the practice remains the same. Much like Life. Life, in ESSENCE is always the same. But in our EXPERIENCE, it is a cascading display of shifting and changing forms, thoughts, feelings, and emotions!

The energy and pace tends to start off slow and nurturing, picking up towards the middle of the dance with higher energy, before tailing back down to restfulness and completion. There is no necessity to dance slowly at the beginning (or end!), nor wildly in the middle. It depends on your own energy- it is that we are coming back to, trusting and honouring.

Earth Sky Dance is Conscious Dance.